LEADTOOLS Licensing Summary


Evaluation Licensing

Evaluation copies of all LEADTOOLS products are covered by the Evaluation License Agreement.

Paid License Agreements

LEADTOOLS products fall into two licensing categories:

"Royalty free" products that do not require runtime licenses:

LEADTOOLS Vector Imaging Pro

LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging Pro

LEADTOOLS Multimedia

LEADTOOLS Mobile Imaging (Basic Features)

"Royalty bearing" products that require additional runtime licenses:

LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite

LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging

LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite (with OCR)

LEADTOOLS Document Imaging


LEAD Multimedia DirectShow Filters and Codecs

LEADTOOLS Medical Multimedia Filter Pack

LEADTOOLS Mobile Imaging (Advanced Features)


LEADTOOLS Barcode Modules






LEADTOOLS MPEG-2 Transport Stream Modules (Contact us for license agreement and pricing.)

LEADTOOLS Video Streaming Module


LEADTOOLS Advanced Bitonal Compression Plug In





Software License Agreement. All of the LEADTOOLS SDKs are governed by the Software License Agreement ("SLA") . The SLA provides a development seat license for one developer to develop one end user application. The SLA is the only licensing document relating to the royalty free toolkits. The royalty bearing products are governed by the applicable Duplication and Distribution License as described below, in addition to the SLA.


Copyright Notice Requirements. The SLA requires that the end user application developed with any LEADTOOLS toolkit contain the following copyright notice in an "About Box" or in the documentation for the application: "This application was developed using LEADTOOLS, copyright © 1991-200x LEAD Technologies, Inc. ALL Rights Reserved." Please see SLA for other marking requirements specific to certain LEADTOOLS toolkits.


The Licensing Dialog. If you have licensed a royalty bearing toolkit, you will notice that when compiling your application or running our demos, a dialog box will occasionally pop up reminding you of the runtime license requirement. We use the licensing dialog so that you can begin programming right away without having to wait for management or legal department approval of the required licensing documentation. This allows you to begin your project while management is working on the licensing documents with LEAD’s licensing department.


Elimination of the Licensing Dialog. LEAD will provide you with instructions to eliminate the licensing dialog as soon as you sign the appropriate Duplication and Distribution Agreement (Runtime Agreement). The applicable Runtime Agreement for each version of LEADTOOLS can be found in the help file under the topic "LEADTOOLS Licensing." The agreements and price schedules may also be found in the "Important Forms" folder of the installation package. Once you have selected the appropriate license form, please print it and fax it to LEAD’s licensing department using the accompanying Runtime Agreement Transmittal form. Once we receive the signed agreement, we will send you a set of instructions to eliminate the licensing dialog. The licensing dialog elimination procedure will only take you a couple of minutes to implement.


Important Note. We package our royalty bearing products so that all product sets are enabled in the installation while the license dialog is present. Therefore, if the licensing dialog is being displayed, substantially ALL FEATURES of our product line will be enabled. When we provide you the unlock instructions and you compile your application, only the features that are included in the specific product that you have licensed will be available. The features of products that are not under license will be locked. You can consult the help file or contact our support department to determine which product configuration includes the functions you plan to use.


Purchasing Runtime Licenses. Note that no runtime licensing purchase is required at the time you send us the Runtime Agreement since one (1) runtime license is included with your initial purchase of the royalty bearing LEADTOOLS SDK. You are only required to purchase additional runtimes if you deploy more than one copy of the application software you are developing. Runtime licenses for these additional deployments may be purchased at the prices set forth in the applicable Runtime Agreement on a trailing basis after you deploy the application software. Another way to purchase runtime licenses is to prepay the licenses prior to the time you deploy the Application Software. By prepaying for deployments before you deploy your application, you can realize substantial licensing cost savings! Volume pricing can be found in the Important Forms Folder of the installation package or in the applicable Runtime Agreement.


Quarterly Reporting. The Runtime Agreements require that you account to LEAD by sending us a quarterly report indicating the number of deployments you have made during the recently ended quarter. LEAD will mail you the necessary deployment reporting forms on a quarterly basis well in advance of the due date for reporting. The form is very simple to complete and you can respond by email, fax or mail. LEAD does offer quantity unlimited licenses for some of our products. With the unlimited licenses, you are not required to report your deployment quantities or pay a per copy deployment rate. To inquire further about our quantity unlimited runtime options, please send an email to licensing@leadtools.com or call 704-227-2637.