Thumbnail Browser

LEADTOOLS VCL provides a thumbnail browser that browses a specified directory for images supported by LEADTOOLS. For each supported image, a thumbnail image is generated.

To browse a directory, call the BrowseDir method. For each thumbnail image generated, a ThumbnailEvent event occurs.

The browse process can be modified using the following properties:

ContinueBrowse property

ExpandMultipage property

Filter property

IncludeSubDirectories property

LoadStamp property

MaxSizeDisk property

MaxSizeMem property

StopOnError property

In addition, you can modify thumbnail characteristics using these properties:

DitherFlags property

ForceSize property

MaintainAspect property

PaletteFlags property

Resample property

ThumbnailBackgroundColor property

ThumbnailBitsPerPixel property

ThumbnailHeight property

ThumbnailWidth property

To gain information about the file, from which the thumbnail images were generated, use the following properties:

InfoBits property

InfoCompression property

InfoFormat property

InfoHeight property

InfoPage property

InfoSizeDisk property

InfoSizeMem property

InfoTotalPages property

InfoWidth property

InfoXRes property

InfoYRes property

The following are provided as general support for the thumbnail browser:

EnableMethodErrors property

Error property

ErrorMsg property

IsSupportLocked method

UnlockSupport method