Annotations – HTML5 / JavaScript

Namespace / Class


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Leadtools.Annotations.Core - AnnObject

The AnnObject class is the base class for all LEADTOOLS Annotation objects. This class, and other classes from the Leadtools.Annotations namespace, provide low-level annotation functionality.

JavaScript AnnObject Help


Leadtools.Annotations.Automation - AnnAutomation

The AnnAutomation class contains properties, methods and events for implementing high-level automated annotations.

JavaScript AnnAutomation Help


Leadtools.Annotations.Designers - AnnDesigner

The AnnDesigner class and other classes in the Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDesigner namespace provide functionality for allowing end-users to interactively create and edit LEADTOOLS annotation objects.

JavaScript AnnDesigner Help


Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering - AnnObjectRenderer

The AnnObjectRenderer class is the base class for all LEADTOOLS Annotation object renderers. This class, and other classes from the Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering namespace, provide functionality for rendering LEADTOOLS annotation objects.

JavaScript AnnObjectRenderer Help
