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Write Options Dialog
Write Options Dialog

The Write Options dialog of the Barcode demo is shown in the following figure:

This dialog contains the following groups of options:

  1. General Group:
    • Units Drop-down list box: Use this drop-down list box to select the unit of measure for writing barcodes.
  2. Location Group: Specifies the area in which to write the barcode. To specify the area, set the following fields:
    • StartX: Text edit box Use this text edit box to specify the X coordinate
    • StartY: Text edit box Use this text edit box to specify the Y coordinate
    • Width: Text edit box Use this text edit box to specify the width
    • Height: Text edit box Use this text edit box to specify the height of the search box.
  3. Colors Group: Specifies colors that will be used for writing. The following color options are available:
    • Use Colors Check box: Select this check box to enable writing color barcodes. If this check box is not selected, the demo will use the default barcode color (BLACK), and the default space color (WHITE), to write the barcode.
    • Transparent Check box: Select this check box to enable writing barcodes using a transparent color. This option is not recommended because the written barcodes can't be read with all images.
    • Bar Color Button: Click this button to open a Color dialog to select the bar color to use when writing barcodes.
    • Space Color Button: Click this button to open a Color dialog to select the space color to use when writing barcodes.
  4. Symbol Types Tabs: Use these tabs to select options specific to a particular barcode type. The options available vary depending on the barcode symbol type being used. These can include options like the following:
    • Bar Code Type Drop-down list box: Use this drop-down list box to select the subtype to write.
    • Bar Code String Text edit box: Use this text edit box to enter the string to be written.
  5. Write button: Writes a barcode over the image, using the criteria set using this dialog.
  6. Cancel button: Click this button to cancel writing a barcode and close the dialog.

For more information, refer to: